Forums - MvC2: I know a secret with Iceman. hehehe. Show all 26 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- MvC2: I know a secret with Iceman. hehehe. ( Posted by ~Wind on 02:21:2001 07:41 AM: You know, when you try to air combo iceman's arctic attack, doesnt it just pisses you off when he falls straight down to the floor after the HC starts and the rocks barely hit you opponent for 20-30 hits and a crappy 60-65 damage? wouldnt it be nice if he could float in the air during the super so all the rocks could hit the guy? well there is a way. do this: air combo, (down, down-forward, forward), short, both punches (almost immediately after the kick, may seem wierd but it works, trust me). If you do this correctly, iceman will raise his hand (trying to do avalanche) before the arctic attack animation. This will cause the floating effect of the avanlanche to carry through to the arctic attack animation, so iceman wont fall to the ground and thus gets all the rocks to hit. If done correctly, this will give you 20-50 hits, and 65-85 damage. Posted by psx2000 on 02:21:2001 07:53 AM: cool Posted by Goku on 02:21:2001 08:09 AM: neato ! Posted by Dangerous on 02:21:2001 08:11 AM: Not bad, not bad at all. Can't wait to try it. you wouldn't have to hold any buttons or press the buttons twice real fast, do you? [This message has been edited by Dangerous (edited 02-20-2001).] Posted by ~Wind on 02:21:2001 08:17 AM: Well you do have to go from the short straight into the 2Punches really quickly (or else the avalanche will come out). I myself do not have fast enough fingers, so i usually end up holding the jab short and fierce buttons. shame on me. but the floating thing does work cuz i do it all the time. Posted by ice_cubed on 02:21:2001 08:35 AM: i hate it ... i hate iceman (no chip damage) sux! Posted by DrunkinB on 02:21:2001 08:41 AM: question doesnt ice man fall down wit the avalanche too? But ill will try it still and see if it so calls works Posted by ~Wind on 02:21:2001 09:04 AM: thats a good question... but anyway believe me, there's a big difference between the regular version and this float verion i mentioned. and i know it works cuz i use it everytime i air combo. Posted by psx2000 on 02:21:2001 09:08 AM: are u sure about the damage is this on normal damage settings? Posted by ~Wind on 02:21:2001 09:14 AM: the damage is according to the meter in training mode on default settings. not percentage. Posted by psx2000 on 02:21:2001 09:16 AM: ok i just wanted check on that] Posted by ice_cubed on 02:21:2001 09:22 AM: i hate it ... i hate iceman (no chip damage) sux! Posted by ~Wind on 02:21:2001 09:35 AM: ice_cubed, quit whining and post something useful... Posted by Sky on 02:21:2001 09:49 AM: Heh thats just kinda like with Ken's and Akuma's air combo, and just doing the hurricane kick right away and not any hits before it. ------------------------------------ The legend is back, I shoot suckers like crack and attack with my tire track, as big as pay back the red, black and grey, seize the day, hit the brakes just like a revolution, here to say I break the lock, bust my chops and never wait for the cops to say stop Kiss your girl before you fade like an illusion I live a life in an evolution. Posted by draizen on 02:21:2001 12:07 PM: You can also cancel an icebeam into Artic Attack which results in the same thing as using the Avalanche. Later, [ d r a i z e n ] Posted by Nate X Grey on 02:21:2001 02:47 PM: Using his Icebeam is the same thing. Alternative methods to do it would be lp, lk, mp, mk, qcflp and imediately hp while holding lp. Timing is sorta like the lk to hp on the Raging Demon but a little faster. He will start to do an Icebeam and immediately do a super. The other way is lp, lk, mp, mk, qcf+k, uf+pp. The qcf to uf registers as the stupid tigerknee motion and thus the super comes out as well. DefiNATEly NOT Cable... Posted by Jonstar! on 02:21:2001 05:28 PM: Weird, never tried that before. I'll try later on. Thanks! Posted by ice_cubed on 02:21:2001 08:10 PM: i tryed works....but i still dont like it.... Posted by ~Wind on 02:21:2001 08:59 PM: yeah thats true, you could do it with an icebeam as well. in either case, the point is that you could get most of the rocks to hit, unlike the normal arctic attack. and if you whiff using the floating version, you wont get your ass pounded for it. Posted by ~Wind on 02:21:2001 09:31 PM: but i personally find the avalanche cancel easier. the icebeam cancel i find very hard. Posted by ice_cubed on 02:22:2001 04:21 AM: you have to do it pretty fast or the guy will fall down before your artic attack comes out... Posted by Trunks on 02:22:2001 04:44 AM: Hey, that's really cool. I can't wait to try it, but I can't find my MVC2... Posted by Jin1 on 02:22:2001 04:48 AM: Man thats a dangerous combo, I better watch out for it. Posted by ice_cubed on 02:22:2001 10:04 AM: it does the same damage as magnetos aerial hyper tempest... Posted by ice_cubed on 02:22:2001 08:09 PM: i guess he's ok but hes weak against sprial and sentinal Posted by Trunks on 02:23:2001 12:29 AM: Alright, I can do it, but I can't AC into it. Stupid Dreamcast controller, I gotta go to the arcade and try it. All times are GMT. The time now is 01:35 AM. Show all 26 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.